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Lauren Parker

Lauren Parker joined the USDA California Climate Hub in August 2018 following a position as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Idaho, where she also earned her PhD in 2017. Dr. Parker is a geographer by training, with a focus on agricultural climatology and perennial crop systems. Lauren comes to the California Climate Hub with a background in applied climatology, phenology and bioclimatic niche modeling, spatial analysis, and education and curriculum development. Her dissertation focused on projecting shifts in the geographic distribution and reproductive phenology of almonds under future climate scenarios through the development and use of phenology-based crop suitability models. Dr. Parker’s recent work has examined topics including extreme heat, frost exposure, shifts in agroclimate metrics, and opportunities and barriers to agricultural adaptation in California. Lauren has applied her background as an educator to support the production of science communications and translational products, outreach and education projects, and in service as an ad hoc technical advisor for Hub collaborators developing climate-focused curriculum. 

Featured Work

Select Peer Reviewed Literature:

Silber-Coats N, Elias E, Fernald K, Gagliardi M, Hrozencik A, Levers L, Ostoja S, Parker L, Williamson J, Yao Y (2024) The Water Adaptation Techniques Atlas: A New Geospatial Library of Solutions to Water Scarcity in the U.S. Southwest. PLOS Water.

Ikendi S, Pinzon NJ, Koundinya V, Taku-Forchu NC, Roche LM, Ostoja SM, Parker LE, Zaccaria D, Cooper MH, Diaz-Ramirez JN, Brodt S, Battany M, Rijal JP, Pathak TB (2024) Climate smart agriculture: Assessing needs and perceptions of California's farmersFrontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.

Parker LE, Zhang N, Abatzoglou JT, Kisekka I, McElrone AJ, Ostoja SM (2024) A variety-specific analysis of climate change effects on California wine grapesInternational Journal of Biometeorology. 

Jha PK, Zhang N, Rijal JP, Parker LE, Ostoja S, Pathak TB (2023) Climate change impacts on insect pests for high value specialty crops in California. Science of the Total Environment

Johnson D, Parker LE, Pathak TB, Crothers L, Ostoja SM (2023) Technical assistance providers identify climate change adaptation practices and barriers to adoption among California agricultural producers. Sustainability.

Zakowski E, Parker LE, Johnson D, Aguirre J, Ostoja SM (2023) California winegrape growers need more support for managing wildfire risk. California Agriculture.

Parker LE, Zhang N, Abatzoglou JT, Ostoja SM, Pathak TB (2022) Observed changes in agroclimate metrics relevant for specialty crop production in CaliforniaAgronomy.

Zhang N, Pathak T, Parker L, Ostoja S (2021) Impacts of large-scale teleconnection indices on chill accumulation for specialty crops in CaliforniaScience of the Total Environment.  

Parker L, Pathak T, Ostoja S (2021) Climate change reduces frost exposure for high-value California orchard cropsScience of the Total Environment.

Parker LE, McElrone AJ, Ostoja SM, Forrestel EJ (2020) Extreme heat effects on perennial crops and strategies for sustaining future productionPlant Science.​ 

Parker headshot


  • Research Program Manager
  • Coordinator


USDA California Climate Hub, UC Davis Institute of the Environment


Phone Number

(530) 752-7714


Focus Area

  • Agricultural Climatology
  • Perennial Crop Systems
  • Agricultural Water Resources