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Climate-wise Reforestation Toolkit

Due to significant levels of tree mortality during the 2012 to 2016 California drought, there is now a need to reforest in areas where much of the forest overstory has been lost. The toolkit consists of three resources that can be used individually or together to inform reforestation decisions in context of tree mortality and climate change. First, the reforestation prioritization tool was designed to help locate where to reforest based on the level of tree mortality and other user-defined variables. Second, the post-drought stand condition tool was designed to allow users to explore newly changed conditions on their National Forest area of interest. And finally, to help guide planting techniques, we have compiled a brief best management practices (BMPs) summary. These tools can be used along with site visits, local knowledge, and individual management goals to aid project planning. Specifically, we hope this tool will help communicate manager’s reforestation ideas and also interactively game different scenarios with interested stakeholders, facilitating their input. 


Data Processing & Sources (and see the technical Info tab)




Land Manager

Spatial Scale:


Tool Developers:

Content within the Climate-wise Reforestation Toolkit were developed by Z. Steel, M. Meyer, A. Wuenschel, S. Ostoja, and M. North