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Climate Change and Agricultural Resilience in the Northern Triangle

There is a complex relationship between climate change, agriculture, and migration in the Northern Triangle region of Central America. This region, which includes El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, shares common geographic features and agricultural systems. It also employs millions of people in the agricultural sector and has had large increases in migration. 

A report by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) demonstrates how the region’s increase in severe droughts, floods, and catastrophic storms have affected its core agricultural systems of staple grains, vegetables, coffee, and livestock. The report uncovers the impact of this climate vulnerability on livelihoods in the region and makes interlinkages to food security and migration. 

The assessment also includes 12 recommended interventions to build resilience in the region’s agricultural sector and support its rural populations.

Discover these findings and recommendations in the full report available here: Assessment of Agricultural Resilience Under Climate Change and Its Relation to Food Insecurity and Migration in the Northern Triangle of Central America.