This award is part of an initiative by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative to fund climate research and bolster the connections between Extension and USDA’s regional Climate Hubs.
The Ohio State University, the Midwest Climate Hub, and multiple university partners have been awarded a $1.5 million grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) for a project to increase Midwest adoption of regionally scalable climate-smart activities. This award is part of an initiative by AFRI to fund climate research and bolster the connections between Extension and USDA’s regional Climate Hubs.
The 3-year project, titled “Accelerating the Transition to Climate-Smart Strategies by Bolstering the Extension to Midwest Climate Hub Connection”, will aim to improve shared understanding of needs of the Midwest’s diverse stakeholders and develop roadmaps for livestock and cropping systems. It will also elevate perspectives and voices of historically underserved communities including black and indigenous communities and strengthen climate science infrastructure through a re-imagined Extension-Midwest Climate Hub partnership.
Key partners include The Ohio State University, the Midwest Climate Hub, University of Wisconsin, Central State University, Michigan State University, and Purdue University.
A project website will be established soon, but until then, look for updates here from the Midwest Climate Hub. For more information about this award and the other awarded projects, visit the website of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.