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Climate Change Considerations for Forest Operations in Northern Forests

Climate Change Considerations for Forest Operations in Northern Forests

Authors: Toot, R.; Handler, S.; Shannon, P.D.; Amman, A.; Blinn, C.; Butler-Leopold, P.; Shakun, J.; Janowiak, M.K.

Year: In Press

Type: USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station General Technical Report Postprint

Climate Hub region: Northern Forests Climate Hub

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Forest operations, including timber harvest, are an important component of managing forests. Operations are often planned or designed around anticipated weather based on past climate conditions. Climate change is altering current weather patterns and may complicate forest operations. With consideration of current climate in planning and practices, foresters, loggers, landowners, and land managers can continue efficient and sustainable forest operations. Adapting to climate change can begin with gathering relevant information, evaluating risks, and creating plans that reduce risk. It can include intentional contract provisions, site layout, and infrastructure design; flexibility through supplies and equipment; monitoring and responding to real-time conditions; sale closure practices; and practices to prevent erosion, compaction, rutting, wildfire, and the spread of invasive species. This guide presents climate change impacts on operations in northern forests, considerations for planning, and practices that may be useful for protection of natural resources and continued forest operations in the changing climate.


Postprint publications are not considered final versions but are citable. This publication has undergone technical and policy review, but still requires technical editing and final layout. The final version will reflect changes to wording and grammar and limited corrections to content, if needed. The most current version of the publication will always be available from the Digital Object Identifier (DOI): [final version will be available at DOI link].


Toot, R.; Handler, S.; Shannon, P.D.; Amman, A.; Blinn, C.; Butler-Leopold, P.; Shakun, J.; Janowiak, M.K. [in press]. Climate change considerations for forest operations in northern forests. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-223. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 39 p. [final version will be available at DOI link].


Many individuals contributed to the guidance, composition, review, and editing of this document. We express gratitude to James Frohn, Sheela Johnson, Randy Kolka, and Nolan Kriegel for the insightful and productive feedback on this document. We are also grateful for the many conversations with forestry and logging professionals that informed this document.

Special thanks to those who provided photos or illustrations: the USDA Forest Service, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the University of New Hampshire Extension Forestry, and the Minnesota Forest Resources Council.

This work was supported by the USDA Forest Service. This is a joint product of the Eastern Region's State, Private, and Tribal Forestry program, the Northern Forests Climate Hub, and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, a collaborative, multi-institutional partnership led by the USDA Forest Service.