Curious about Cows was a workshop co-hosted by the Asombro Institute for Science Education and the BlueSTEM AgriLearning Center in conjunction with the Southern Plains Climate Hub. This workshop was held in El Reno, Oklahoma, and was open to all 3rd to 5th grade teachers throughout the state. In this workshop, teachers learned about regional ranching research investigating if technology and heritage breed cattle make ranching more sustainable. They were able to practice hands-on, standards-aligned science lessons that they could use in their classrooms. Each teacher received classroom materials.
This guide focuses on lessons based on the Sustainable Southwest Beef, Coordinated Agriculture Project, a five-year project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Research scientists, education specialists, and extension professionals are working together to research novel technologies for sustainable ranching in the southwest. The lessons also align with Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts.
There are 4 main lessons in this workshop:
Are you this Cow's Heard? - 3rd Grade
Cow's Moo-ving Soil - 3rd Grade
Let it Blow: Wind Erosion in the Desert - 4th Grade
Don't Fence me In! - 5th Grade
All lesson plans are free and available for use on Asombro's website. If you would like to join next year's workshop please either fill out this form or contact Susan Eisenhour, Southern Plains Climate Hub Coordinator at susan.eisenhour@udsa.gov.
For other free lesson plans for all grades please visit: www.asombro.org/free.