The success of the Southwest Climate Hub in engaging land management stakeholders on management practices, decision support tools and climate and weather information is achieved through close coordination with other USDA, federal, and state agencies along with university and NGO partners. Within the USDA, representatives from the Agricultural Research Service, the United States Forest Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service work collectively to serve the needs of farmers, ranchers and forest landowners in adapting to impacts of climate variability. The Southwest Hub works in coordination with other federal agencies, such as the United States Geological Survey Climate Science Centers, Fish and Wildlife Service Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration RISAS listed below. Each agency manages it's own piece of the climate change puzzle and the Southwest Hub focuses specifically on working lands. To best accomplish outreach, we partner with Cooperative Extension in each Southwestern State. Other State, academic and non-profit organization partners are also listed below.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
- USDA ARS Crops Pathology and Genetics Research
- USDA ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center
- US Forest Service Pacific SW Research Station
- US Forest Service Research and Development
- US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station; Grassland, Shrubland and Desert Ecosystems; Reno Great Basin Ecology Laboratory
- US Forest Service Sierra Nevada Research Center
- USDA NRCS West National Technology Support Center; National Water Quality and Quantity Team
Cooperative Extension at Land Grant Universities
- The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
- University of California Cooperative Extension
- University of Hawai'i Extension
- University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Service
- New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service
- Utah State University Cooperative Extension
U,S. Department of Interior Climate Science Centers (CSCs)
- South Central Climate Science Center
- Southwest Climate Science Center
- Pacific Islands Climate Science Center
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs)
National Oceanic and Atmopsheric Administration's (NOAA) Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISAs)
Universities and Affiliates
- Institute of the Environment, The University of Arizona
- University of California - Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- University of California - Berkeley
- University of California - Davis
- University of California - Merced - Sierra Nevada Research Institute
- University of California - Riverside, Center for Conservation Biology
- University of California - Systemwide
- University of Hawai'i
- Hawai'i State Climate Office
- University of Hawai'i Water Resources Research Center
- John Muir Institute of the Environment
- New Mexico State University Agriculture Experiment Station
- New Mexico State University Climate Center
- New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute
- Desert Research Institute, Nevada Water Resources Research Institute
- Nevada State Climate Office
- University of Nevada
- Utah State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Utah State University Center for Water Resources Research
- Utah Climate Center
- Western Regional Climate Center
- The Asombro Institute
- California Department of Food and Agriculture
- California Natural Resources Agency
- Hawai'i Conservation Alliance
- The Nature Conservancy