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Brandon Bestelmeyer

Brandon Bestelmeyer serves as Research Leader overseeing research and service projects of the USDA-ARS Range Management Research Unit and is a rangeland ecologist studying the resilience of arid rangeland social-ecological systems. 

Recent publications

Bestelmeyer, B. T., S. McCord, D. Browning, L. Burkett, E. Elias, R. Estell, J. Herrick, D. James, S. Spiegal, S. Utsumi, N. Webb, J. Williamson. 2024. Fulfilling the promise of digital tools to build rangeland resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 22:e2736.

Bestelmeyer, B. T., S. Utsumi, S. McCord, D. M. Browning, L. M. Burkett, E. Elias, R. Estell, J. Herrick, D. James, S. Spiegal, N. P. Webb, J. Williamson. 2023. Managing an arid ranch in the 21st century: new technologies for novel ecosystems. Rangelands 45:60-67.

Christensen, E., D. James, R. M. Randall, B. T. Bestelmeyer. 2023. Abrupt dryland transitions related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Ecology 104:e4065.

Dashbal, B., B. T. Bestelmeyer, B. Densambuu, B. Ulambayar, S. Sainnemekh, J. Van Zee, J. Willamson, A. Battur, Enkh-Amgalan, Tseelei. 2023. Implementing a resilience-based management system in Mongolia’s rangelands. Ecosphere 14(10): e4665.


Portrait of a man in a blue shirt with short brown hair


  • Supervisory Research Ecologist


USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range


USDA-ARS Range Management Research Unit,
Jornada Experimental Range
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Phone Number


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