The Agricultural Research Service, USDA’s intramural scientific research agency, is a leader in agricultural water research locally, nationally, and internationally, with a focus on landscapes that produce food, fiber, fuel, and forage, as well as their source-waters and receiving-waters.
ARS water research focuses on societal-level outcomes that build global food, fiber, and water security.
ARS water researchers innovate cutting-edge, systems-level science, decisions support tools, and solutions.
ARS water researcher teams value partnerships and collaboration with a wide range of communities including producers, stakeholders, Federal, State, and local agencies, and the public.
ARS water research impacts lead to lasting, sustainable change in water use, management, productivity, and quality.
ARS water research outreach will share our exciting science and research findings with everyone and reach all corners of the globe.
The ARS Water Research Vision 2050 provides a roadmap and guide that describes where we have been, where we are going, how we would like to get there, who we would like to travel with, and what we would like to accomplish together toward solving the most important water issues of the next three decades and beyond.