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Tribal College Endowment Program

Submitted by holly-northwest on


National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)


The 1994 Land-Grants also have a targeted formula fund that can be used at the discretion of Institution leadership. The Tribal College Endowment program receives annual appropriations from Congress, but the institutions receive money from the interest earned during the previous year. The amount each school receives is based in part by the number of Native students attending the school. This is determined annually thorough the Indian Student Count. The 1994 Land-Grant presidents can use these funds at their discretion. They may restore or upgrade infrastructure, supplement other NIFA grants, or keep the funding indefinitely as a resource to address future or unanticipated needs.


1994 Land-Grant Institutions

Climate Change Component

Changes in future climate may tax current infrastructure and require changes so that institutions can remain functional. Thus restoring and upgrading infrastructure will be essential at institutions in order to deal with challenges related to climate change. 


Disaster Assistance



NIFA Tribal Programs

Tribal Table Category

Tribal Table Eligibility

Tribal Table Funding amount

Indian Student Count = funding appropriated directly to universities

Tribal Table Keywords