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Grazing Lands Topics from the Northeast Hub Region

  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change

    opening shot to film; cover crops at harborview farms

    Farmers around the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays are leaders in practices that promote healthy soils. These practices also safeguard working lands from climate change extremes. This film follows three…

  • Agrivoltaics: Coming Soon to a Farm Near You?

    Byron Kominek, owner of Jack’s Solar Garden in Longmont, Colo., drives a tractor away following a kickoff event for the farm.

    Researchers and farmers around the country are currently experimenting and collecting data on what crops, pollinator plants, and/or livestock situations work best with photovoltaic setups.…

  • Drought Resistant Practices

    mulch with cover crops that include Austrian snow peas, vetch, small grain, and clover

    The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers cost sharing for practices that help farmers increase resilience to drought.

  • Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship

    Sang Lee Farms, in Peconic, New York, transitioning to third generation, grows more than 100 varieties of specialty vegetables, heirloom tomatoes, baby greens, herbs.

    The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship curriculum provides farmers, foresters, and advisors with the information they need to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. We also…

  • Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu

    Tribal Adaptation Menu

    The Menu is an extensive collection of climate change adaptation actions for natural resource management with tribal communities.

  • Vermont Farmer Profiles

    Goat milking at Does Leap Farm

    Capstone students are helping us hear the stories of farmers who are adapting to climate change.

  • Northeast Climate Hub Webinar Series

    Bees pollinate a sunflower

    This webinar series builds on capacity within USDA to deliver science-based knowledge and practical information to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners.